The Leven Connectivity Project wants to connect people to the local environment and improve pathways to nature and the river.

Are you cyber secure?

As part of the Cyber Scotland Partnership funding iniative, Breeze Digital with their partners the Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland and the Coalfields Regeneration Trust are delivering 4 in-person Cyber Resilience Workshops and 1 online session with particular focus in Fife, East Ayrshire and South Lanarkshire.

Workshop dates and locations will be announced soon! 

The Connectivity Project aims to create a network of paths and cycle ways along a 5km stretch of the river, as well as creating around a further 20km stretch of paths which will weave through and between the local communities of Buckhaven, Methil, Methilhill, Leven and Windygates. Local people have been involved and  and said that as well as creating many new paths we want to;

• Deliver environmental improvements along the river

• Bring some areas of vacant and derelict land in to productive use

• Create spaces where people of all ages can visit and enjoy spending time

• Create safe, affordable and accessible events for local people

This project needs help to make it work so please get in touch if you can help us.To find out how to get involved email: