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  • Story from Kincardine

    Volunteer delivery to young girl at the doorstep

    Kincardine Youth Club Committee delivered 50 activity packs, COVID19 memory books and COVID19 sweet cones to youths in Kincardine. The committee felt these would help keep the youths entertained, focused and remain positive during lockdown. The youths are missing their weekly club and have been asked to write in their COVID19 memory book to keep and share with future generations as we are living in historic times.

    Committee members Gillian McPake, Angela Davis and Youth Worker Kelly Mckinney organised a personal delivery to all kids houses whilst ensuring social distancing measures were in place at all times. Kelly said "it was fantastic and the kids were really surprised to see us, the kids have been busy being creative and sending us pictures, models and cards made from their activity packs, evens some of the parents got creative, it was good to see their wee faces and we cant wait to get back to normal".